Make Streaming Rock

Understand the challenges with live streaming video, and how edge content delivery networks (eCDNs) can ensure a high-quality subscriber experience wherever they watch.

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Are you ready for a live streaming tsunami?

The growth in on-demand video streaming has caused a stunning explosion of traffic volume on already-overburdened broadband networks. But a new trend presents even greater challenges for ISPs: Streaming live content, especially sporting events. Not only does live streaming create even more traffic—and lots of it—this kind of traffic has inherently more stringent delivery requirements.

ISP networks were not built to accommodate a massive, simultaneous, and synchronized distribution of HD and UHD video content. The solution? An evolution of ISP networks that can better accommodate this streaming tsunami.

Download this important white paper to understand the changes ahead, what challenges they present to broadband ISPs, and the best paths forward. 

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